True Praise !

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About Your Site.

True Praise Records is a small but forceful little company set on serving Ha Ahdahwan in music worship and praise, True Praise! We're not one of those companies that say we serve Ha Ahdahwan Yahawah and do not live up to it. Our Company goal, Is to help the Saints of The Most High Ahayah release the words that the Ahdahwan has giving to give to His chosen Children of Israel.

Road to Damascus

Our road to Damascus started when we were told that we couldn't put YAHAWAH, Yahawahshi, or even the name of the Mashiach in our music because it would be too faith-based. (Really, the edo's didn't want us to upset the cross-wearing people.) But how do we praise Yahawah? With HIS Truth! Correct? His Holy word Right? So I sought the ABBAYAM heart on what to do. And in my heart he made me remember that I am to lead and not follow anyone but YAHAWAH, HA BAN YAHAWAHSHI, wa ha RAWACH Ha QODASH. And So here we are. PS 33:1-3.
